
My passion for photos

I love pictures and I love scrapbooking them. I began scrapbooking my senior year in high school after my mom suggested I make one for my graduation party. What started as a one time project has grown into a huge passion! I have my own scrapbooking section in the house and I have a list of favorite stores and companies where I buy my supplies! I have also fallen in love with the work of other scrapbookers--my favorite being Ali Edwards http://aliedwards.typepad.com. I love the stories that can be told with scrapbooking for myself and for those I love. There have been pages I've created that I love and pages that I've created that I cringe at. But I have learned that this is part of the art. I can progress my growth through my creativity and can learn that I am not perfect--a huge undertaking for a perfectionist!
Ali Edwards recently started sending out a weekly email newsletter with scrapbook challenges and then encourages people to post their results online. I have begun creating pages for these challenges digitally, and while the paper versions are still my favorite, I have fallen in love with the digital design--so much so that I am looking into buying Adobe Photoshop!
Below I have posted my digital layouts, have fun looking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Betsy those are sweet. I know that i have not like a lot of your scrap booking stuff before but I have to say that you have come a long long way and those are amazing!

I wish I could scrapbook like that. You are truly an artist!
Love ya!