
Day 8--not a normal day

There is no picture for Day 8-Sunday, August 8, 2010.
Here's the story:

I go to get dresses in the outfit I had planned. The black long-sleeve button down I was going to wear was HUGE on me! Why had I ever bought something so big, I have not lost that much weight. So I go in my drawer to find a short-sleeve or long-sleeve black tee and what do I discover...I DO NOT OWN ONE! 1st thing to buy when I can shop: a black tee!
So I put on a black blouse from my closet, not a favorite but it would work. I get to church and am told that we are wearing our new shirts that were printed. The t-shirt was not going to work over the blouse, so blouse off, t-shirt on. By the time we got home we decided that we were going to have a t.v./movie day, so on go my p.j.s to be most comfortable.
So no picture was taken on this day for the 10 minutes I was in my completed outfit!

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