
Be ready to be amazed....

...all this for $11.44 (tax included) at Kroger!!!!!!!!

Want to know how? Here is what was bought:

2 boxes of Raisan Bran cereal ($2.00/box)

2 boxes of Corn Pops Cereal ($2.00/box)

3 Keebler Fudge Stick Cookies ($2.00/pack)

1 Keebler Grashopper Cookies ($2.00/pack)

2 bottles Ranch Dressing ($2.00/bottle)

2 4 pack Cottonelle Toilet Paper ($0.99/pack)

3 Satin Care Shave Gel ($1.09/bottle)

1 pack hair clips ($1.00 on clearance)

Here is how I reduced the price:

$1.00 off 2 boxes Raisan Bran

$1.00 off 2 boxes Corn Pops

$1.00 off 2 Keebler Cookies

$1.00 off 2 Keebler Cookies

$1.00 off 1 Dressing

$1.00 off 1 Dressing

$0.25 off Toilet Paper (doubled to $0.50)

$0.25 off Toilet Paper (doubled to $0.50)

$0.55 of Shave Gel (doubled to $1.00)

$0.55 of Shave Gel (doubled to $1.00)

$0.55 of Shave Gel (doubled to $1.00)

$5.00 automatically off with the purchase of 10 participating products (text in green)

On my receipt it gave me a breakdown of my savings:

Coupon savings with doubling $15.00

Store Coupons and Sales $16.45

Total Savings $31.45

73% Savings

This has to be the best shopping trip ever!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I mean, just...wow. You are becoming one of "those" shoppers. You know, the kind I wish to be.

wilsonsmom said...

Congrats buddy! I'm super proud. Let me know if you need any q's. Especially on cereal and stuff.