On Monday, March 17 one of the cutest babies I have ever seen was born! Elijah Brennan Dudley was born at 10:42 am and weighed 9.5 pounds! Keith and I went to visit him that night and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to hold him. (These pictures were taken by Keith.)
A couple weeks before Eli was born we had a party for Jill and I had made Eli one of these tag blankets. When she opened it, she commented that she would have to keep it from Justice. So using extra fabric and ribbon I made one for J. Such a fun and easy project!
he is cute, Keith did a great job taking the picture of him
I am jealous. I want to sew...I should find a place and set up the machine. Maybe I'd use it in the few minutes I find free every once in a while!
Charlotte is a tag nut. She'll reach further for a tag than any thing else!!! Did you just use random ribbons?
Angela yes it is just random ribbon bits about 4-6 inches just depending on how much you want.
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