
Wedding Weekend

It took a long time to recover from the wedding--much drama and much adventure, but a lot of fun! Here are some highlights!

1. Flat tire--delayed and stuck in Danville, IL Super Wal-Mart for 2 hours and then was about an hour later to the rehersal. If it hadn't been for the trucker who helped us get the tire off who knows when we would have made it!

2. Zack--the guy I had to walk with for the wedding is a GIANT! Seriously, the guy is like 6'4" and I am only 5'3". The picture doesn't do justice, but here he is. And if it couldn't get any worse, by the time we made it to the reception-his pants which had been too tight all day, ripped in the crotch and he spent the rest of the reception with ripped pants.

3. Kalla met a boy--Chris to be exact. He is nice, but I am always cautious when Kalla tells me she likes a guy.

4. All in all it wasn't too bad--once you got past all the drama and having to deal with so many family members--though I have informed all my siblings and my cousins that they should elope when they decide to get married!


Kalla said...

that is not a great picture of Keith... and why are you cautious!?

B Partridge said...

It's not a great picture of Keith, but it's not bad! Why am I cautious--you and boys usually spell trouble! But Chris is nice and I do like him!

Kalla said...

He is nice and you should like him... haha! I like him.

You should have used the other one of you and keith!